Laminar flow (isolators and glove boxes)

Laminar flow for isolators and glove boxes
We design and manufacture isolators under air or under neutral gas equipped with laminar flows for the pharmaceutical industry which ensure particle control in accordance with the ISO 14644-1 standard. Laminar flow combined with dynamic containment offers the best work guarantees in a class A environment (ISO5).
Our systems equipped with laminar flows for use in pharmaceutical laboratories are generally designed for sterile environments, i.e. connected to a bio-decontamination device.
Technische Daten – Informationen
Technische Daten:
H14 filtration
Tailor-made design
Glove boxes and isolators compatible under air or under purified neutral gas
FAT/SAT verification
They are also very suitable for our toxic isolators or containment isolators. Finally, for advanced therapy drugs (e.g. microbiome science), laminar flow can be associated with oxygen control (strict anaerobic) so as to reproduce a pure and aseptic gas environment.
In the Electronics sector (semiconductors, photovoltaic cells, flexible electronics and printed electronics), our PureEvo purified glove boxes (<1ppm O2 and H2O) can be equipped with laminar flow in order to produce a volume of electronic devices and ensure complete particulate control.
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