Vertical industrial vacuum chamber

Vertical industrial vacuum chamber

The vertical industrial vacuum chamber has been specially designed  by our R&D department for the transfer of powders or materials in drums. Cans, barrels and drums that cannot naturally be transferred by the usual horizontal airlocks can be transferred by means of a vertical airlock. The accessibility and handling of a drum with gloves is made easier thanks to an assisted lifting interior tray.

This type of airlock is made to measure and adapted to the dimensions of the drums and the application of the glove box (transfer, packaging, sampling, sorting). These systems are mainly used in installations under controlled atmosphere (nitrogen, argon, helium) and purified glove boxes, but they can adapt very well to different protective environments. Their operation is secure and the maneuvers are interconnected, preventing any simultaneous opening of the two doors.


Technische Daten – Informationen

Technische Daten:

Airlock: US AISI 304L stainless steel
Doors: aluminum alloy
Tailor-made sizes
Quick opening hinged doors with interlocking
Interior tray with assisted and/or automated lifting
Controls and operating mode according to specifications
Leak rate < 10-5 mbar.l/s

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    * Die mit einem Sternchen gekennzeichneten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.