Did you know ?

Did you know ?

Your smartphone, your car, even your electric scooter contain an indispensable element for its proper functioning: a battery. This can be of several natures: Lithium-ion, Sodium-ion, or even all-solid batteries. Jacomex is involved in this sector and more specifically...
A new baby at Jacomex? 

A new baby at Jacomex? 

You’ve probably already heard of or maybe seen our demo glove box, the BabySafe (formerly BabyBox) in our workshop or at events over the past few years. Still in operation, this year it welcomes a little sibling : the BabyPure. Based on the standard model in our...
Let’s hear it for the French medical research

Let’s hear it for the French medical research

On September 13th, the Medical Research Foundation awards evening was held at the Hotel Dieu refectory in Lyon. Part of our sales and marketing team attended this red carpet event for science, during which research projects, each more impressive than the last, were...
What’s new at Jacomex ?

What’s new at Jacomex ?

Take a look at our brand-new sales support ! A high-definition, highly legible 7″ screen, stainless steel edges, 3D-printed shell and support… and a program 100% designed by our R&D department in collaboration with the automation division. The aim? To...
Some history at Jacomex 

Some history at Jacomex 

With a little digging, you can come across some real treasures. Here, let’s take a look at this beautiful piece of history: a Jacomex product catalog, dated September 21st, 1978, almost exactly 45 years ago. A lot has happened in all that time… It’s...