Service Contact

The After-Sales Service – Maintenance Team
Our service is growing from year to year in proportion to our fleet of operational glove boxes in France and abroad.
At Jacomex, you can contact our colleagues serenely; caring, flexible and aware of your requirements, they will do everything to offer you a premium expert service. Our team have many years of service in the company, having previously been members of the assembly or R&D departments, they are highly experienced and know your installation right down to the smallest detail. Equipped with essential multi-sector skills for our activity, they are specialized in assembly, electricity, automation, programming and electro-mechanics. They are experts in sealing, gas purification, regulation and safety.
Areas of Intervention
Our After-Sales Service – Maintenance department includes technicians who can travel not just in France but also throughout Europe. For the countries where we have representatives or distributors, we work hand in hand with them and we intervene jointly with them. For India, our subsidiary Jacomex India Pvt Ltd employs qualified and regularly trained Indian staff on a full-time basis. For America, our qualified colleagues from INERT Corp., a member company of GloveBoxes Group, can intervene throughout the continent. We continue to work daily to develop an international network of skills and offer an irreproachable level of service globally.
Tel : +33 (0)4 72 25 19 00
Phone: 1+ (978) 462 4415
For other countries : see our global presence

Together, we provide initializations, installations, repairs, maintenance of installations and training in good practices for use and maintenance. For safety-cabinet processes, we provide integration and interface with control and analysis instruments, process machines, characterization devices, TFD deposition glove boxes and other systems while guaranteeing original sealing and performance…
The After-Sales Service – Maintenance team is used to working in specific areas such as chemical laboratories, industrial sites, controlled areas, climatic rooms, clean rooms, etc.
Our technicians and engineers regularly undergo specialized training and have specific authorizations. As such, many of them are CEFRI accredited (French Committee for the Certification of Companies for the Training and Monitoring of Personnel Working under Ionizing Radiation) giving them access to work in monitored radiological areas in the nuclear sector, whether in research centers or fuel cycle factories.
Contact a Jacomex technician
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